Phone: 610-781-9754

The objective of this policy is for Optimal Home Care LLC to obtain the services offered by the employees, and that each of them renders such services under the terms and conditions set by the company.

With consideration of the compensation and other promises made by both parties (which are hereby acknowledged), both sides agree as follows:


All employees must perform their duties responsibly, consistently, and to the best of their skills, capabilities, and experience. They shall comply with all of the procedures, policies, and rules and regulations set by the company all the time. The employees must also comprehend and agree that their assignments and other work-related responsibilities may be changed by the company without the cause for discontinuance of this agreement.

Assessment Period

It is understood and agreed that each employee will be assessed for an amount of time required. If he/she cannot comply with the needed standards within the assessment, it would terminate his engagement with the company. The assessment will be grounds to observe the employee’s capabilities, skills, and knowledge regarding his duties as a partner of the company and the clients.

Expected Conduct

All members of the staff are expected to be professional during work hours. Any kind of unlikeable and rude behavior that targets age, race, disability, religion, gender identity, and more, will not be tolerated by the company.

All employees are required to serve their responsibilities dutifully, professionally, and responsibly per the company’s set policies. 

  • They must deliver excellent service that coincides with their duties.
  • They must provide quality customer service to their clients.
  • They must not perform rude and unlikeable behavior toward the clients.

Aside from that, each employee needs to arrive at work on time. If impossible, for emergency and important reasons, he/she must notify the office an hour before his shift. Lastly, all staff must wear the prescribed uniform that will show professionalism and care to our clients.


As full compensation from the company, each employee will receive (insert compensation rate here) for the amount of service he/she has performed for the company.

Vacation and Sick Time

All employees who will be unable to work, due to emergencies and health concerns, must notify the human resources staff as soon as possible, preferably an hour before the shift starts. For vacation leaves, the employee must also inform the company ahead of time. Absences without proper notification and filing must not exceed 10 days unless provided with an authorized certification from a doctor.

End of Engagement

Before leaving the company, all members of the staff must present an end of engagement letter that states their reasons for leaving. Upon acceptance of the letter, however, they must perform all duties that are required of them until the end of their employment. If failed to do so, the employees will be entitled to their end of the agreement until all of their tasks are completed. Remember, it is unadvised to leave without notice.

Entire Agreement

The entirety of this agreement shall embody the understanding between the company, Optimal Home Care LLC, and the employees. No changes will be effective unless signed by both parties.